
In bed, it's 6am you close your eyes for 5minutes, it's 7:45. At school it's 1:30, close your eyes for 5 minutes, it's 1:31.

A Lady to Dr: My husband has d habit of talking in sleep! Wat shud I do to cure him?. Dr: Give him an Opportunity to speak when he's awake.

Wife:What is 50 years with me?. Husband:A second. Wife:What is $1000 for me?.Husband:A coin. Wife: Ok give me a coin. Husband:Wait a second.

Life is like a facebook. People will like ur problems and comment. But wont solve them, because they are busy updating theirs.

4 Stages of marriage: Mad for each other; Made for each other; Mad at each other; Mad bcoz of each other.

Funny Truth: No one is as ugly as their driving license/ identity card picture, nor as good-looking as their facebook profile picture..! 

Words Written Above A Classroom Clock...“This Clock Will Never Be Stolen, Coz Too Many Students Are Watching It..!"

One man had a crow as a pet which was soft and smooth. What will he name it as? Mi-Cro-Soft!